![]() SponsorsThe World of Dante is sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Technologies in the Humanities, University of Virginia and funded in part by: an IATH Research Fellowship; The National Endowment for the Humanities; the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation; and a grant from the National Italian American Foundation.
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About the ProjectTextsThe following two versions of Dante's Commedia are included in this publication: THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI: INFERNO by Allen Mandelbaum, copyright © 1980 by Allen Mandelbaum. Used by permission of Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc. THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI: PURGATORIO by Allen Mandelbaum, copyright © 1982 by Allen Mandelbaum. Used by permission of Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc. THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI: PARADISO by Allen Mandelbaum, copyright © 1984 by Allen Mandelbam. Used by permission of Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc. For online information about other Random House, Inc books and authors, see the Internet Website at http://www.randomhouse.com. The Italian text of the Commedia is that edited by Giorgio Petrocchi and published by Mondadori (Milan, Italy, 1966-67; 2nd ed., Florence, Le Lettere, 1994) for the Edizione Nazionale of the works of Dante sponsored by the Società Dantesca Italiana. Permission to use the machine-readable version of this text was granted by Robert Hollander. The user is advised that this machine-readable version of that text is intended only for scholarly use by individuals. No reproduction of the text for distribution of any kind is permitted, either by the original publisher or by the Dartmouth Dante Project, under whose auspices this aid to research--with the kind permission of Professor Petrocchi--is offered to the community of scholars. This text is an exact replica of the Petrocchi text; its only divergence occurs in the form of its punctuation, which accords with American rather than Italian usage. Editing CriteriaThe World of Dante offers a digital environment for the study of the Comedy. This project is designed to appeal to the different purposes of a wide range of readers, not simply those with scholarly interests. Read More ... MusicZephyrus: Central Virginia's Early Music Vocal Ensemble is a non-profit vocal ensemble based in Charlottesville, Virginia, and dedicated to the performance of music from the medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras. Director: Paul Walker. Producer: Sally Sanford. DatabaseWe are most grateful to the following colleagues and scholars for their contributions to the information in the database: Riccardo Chellini, Robert Cook, George Dameron, Michael Gerli, Gregory Hays, Ron Herzman, Jason Houston, Simone Marchesi, John Monfasani, John O' Malley, Guy Raffa, Danilo Romei, Arielle Saiber, Alessandro Vettori, Paul Walker, Heather Webb. ImagesInformation on the source of most images can be found in the full record information boxes. The image on the Home Page by Domenico Michelino of Dante and his Poem (1465) is reproduced with permission of the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence. Botticelli's Chart of Hell is reproduced with permission of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. MapsThe maps of Europe, Italy, Tuscany, Florence 1300 and wooden model of Florence are reproduced with permission of the Museo Casa di Dante, Florence. Teacher ResourcesSuggested readings on Dante and the suggested classroom activities were compiled by Deborah Parker, Simone Marchesi, Arielle Saiber, Heather Webb, Jason Houston, and Ron Herzman. ContactDeborah Parker (dwp7k_at_virginia.edu), General Editor, Dept. of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese 115 Wilson Hall University of Virginia PO Box 400777 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4777 |