"Pape Satàn, pape Satàn aleppe!"
7.1 |
CI |
"Pape Satàn, Pape Satàn
cominciò Pluto con la voce
C |
so Plutus, with his grating voice, began. |
e quel savio gentil, che tutto seppe,
PE |
The gentle sage, aware of everything, |
disse per confortarmi: "Non ti noccia |
7.4 |
said reassuringly, "Don't let your fear |
la tua paura; ché, poder ch'elli abbia, |
defeat you; for whatever power he has, |
non ci torrà lo scender questa roccia." |
he cannot stop our climbing down this crag." |
Poi si rivolse a quella 'nfiata labbia, |
7.7 |
I |
Then he turned back to Plutus' swollen face |
e disse: "Taci, maladetto lupo!
C |
and said to him: "Be quiet, cursed wolf! |
consuma dentro te con la tua rabbia. |
Let your vindictiveness feed on yourself. |
Non è sanza cagion l'andare al cupo: |
7.10 |
His is no random journey to the deep: |
vuolsi ne l'alto, là dove Michele
C |
it has been willed on high, where Michael took |
fé la vendetta del superbo strupo." |
revenge upon the arrogant rebellion." |
Quali dal vento le gonfiate vele |
7.13 |
As sails inflated by the wind collapse, |
caggiono avvolte, poi che l'alber fiacca, |
entangled in a heap, when the mast cracks, |
tal cadde a terra la fiera
C |
so that ferocious beast fell to the ground. |
Così scendemmo ne la quarta lacca, |
7.16 |
I |
Thus we made our way down to the fourth ditch, |
pigliando più de la
dolente ripa
PL |
to take in more of that despondent shore |
che 'l mal de
l'universo tutto insacca.
where all the universe's ill is stored. |
Ahi giustizia di Dio! tante chi stipa
7.19 |
D |
Justice of God! Who has amassed as many |
nove travaglie e pene quant' io viddi? |
strange tortures and travails as I have seen? |
e perché nostra colpa sì ne scipa? |
Why do we let our guilt consume us so? |
Come fa l'onda là sovra Cariddi,
7.22 |
PL |
Even as waves that break above Charybdis, |
che si frange con quella in cui s'intoppa, |
each shattering the other when they meet, |
così convien che qui la gente riddi. |
so must the spirits here dance their round dance. |
Qui vid' i' gente più ch'altrove troppa, |
7.25 |
I |
Here, more than elsewhere, I saw multitudes |
e d'una parte e d'altra, con grand' urli, |
to every side of me; their howls were loud |
voltando pesi per forza di poppa. |
while, wheeling weights, they used their chests to push. |
Percotëansi 'ncontro; e poscia pur lì |
7.28 |
They struck against each other; at that point, |
si rivolgea ciascun, voltando a retro, |
each turned around and, wheeling back those weights, |
gridando: "Perché tieni?" e "Perché burli?" |
cried out: "Why do you hoard?" "Why do you squander?" |
Così tornavan per lo cerchio tetro |
7.31 |
So did they move around the sorry circle |
da ogne mano a l'opposito punto, |
from left and right to the opposing point; |
gridandosi anche loro ontoso metro; |
again, again they cried their chant of scorn; |
poi si volgea ciascun, quand' era giunto, |
7.34 |
and so, when each of them had changed positions, |
per lo suo mezzo cerchio a l'altra giostra. |
he circled halfway back to his next joust. |
E io, ch'avea lo cor quasi compunto, |
And I, who felt my heart almost pierced through, |
dissi: "Maestro mio, or mi dimostra |
7.37 |
requested: "Master, show me now what shades |
che gente è questa, e se tutti fuor cherci |
are these and tell me if they all were clerics- |
questi chercuti a la sinistra nostra." |
those tonsured ones who circle on our left." |
Ed elli a me: "Tutti quanti fuor guerci |
7.40 |
And he to me: "All these, to left and right |
sì de la mente in la vita primaia, |
were so squint-eyed of mind in the first life- |
che con misura nullo spendio ferci. |
no spending that they did was done with measure. |
Assai la voce lor chiaro l'abbaia, |
7.43 |
Their voices bark this out with clarity |
quando vegnono a' due punti del cerchio |
when they have reached the two points of the circle |
dove colpa contraria li dispaia. |
where their opposing guilts divide their ranks. |
Questi fuor cherci, che non han coperchio |
7.46 |
I |
These to the left their heads bereft of hair- |
piloso al capo, e papi e cardinali, |
were clergymen, and popes and cardinals, |
in cui usa avarizia il suo soperchio." |
within whom avarice works its excess." |
E io: "Maestro, tra questi cotali |
7.49 |
And I to him: "Master, among this kind |
dovre' io ben riconoscere alcuni |
I certainly might hope to recognize |
che furo immondi di cotesti mali." |
some who have been bespattered by these crimes." |
Ed elli a me: "Vano pensiero aduni: |
7.52 |
And he to me: "That thought of yours is empty: |
la sconoscente vita che i fé sozzi, |
the undiscerning life that made them filthy |
ad ogne conoscenza or li fa bruni. |
now renders them unrecognizable. |
In etterno verranno a li due cozzi: |
7.55 |
For all eternity they'll come to blows: |
questi resurgeranno del sepulcro |
these here will rise up from their sepulchers |
col pugno chiuso, e questi coi crin mozzi. |
with fists clenched tight; and these, with hair cropped
Mal dare e mal tener lo mondo pulcro |
7.58 |
Ill giving and ill keeping have robbed both |
ha tolto loro, e posti a questa zuffa: |
of the fair world and set them to this fracas- |
qual ella sia, parole non ci appulcro. |
what that is like, my words need not embellish. |
Or puoi, figliuol, veder la corta buffa |
7.61 |
Now you can see, my son, how brief's the sport |
d'i ben che son commessi a la fortuna, |
of all those goods that are in Fortune's care, |
per che l'umana gente si rabuffa; |
for which the tribe of men contend and brawl; |
ché tutto l'oro ch'è sotto la luna |
7.64 |
for all the gold that is or ever was |
e che già fu, di quest' anime stanche |
beneath the moon could never offer rest |
non poterebbe farne posare una." |
to even one of these exhausted spirits." |
"Maestro mio," diss' io, "or mi dì anche: |
7.67 |
"Master," I asked of him, "now tell me too: |
questa fortuna di che tu mi tocche, |
this Fortune whom you've touched upon just now- |
che è, che i ben del mondo ha sì tra branche?" |
what's she, who clutches so all the world's goods?" |
E quelli a me: "Oh creature sciocche, |
7.70 |
And he to me: "O unenlightened creatures, |
quanta ignoranza è quella che v'offende! |
how deep-the ignorance that hampers you! |
Or vo' che tu mia sentenza ne 'mbocche. |
I want you to digest my word on this. |
Colui lo cui saver tutto trascende,
7.73 |
D |
Who made the heavens and who gave them guides |
fece li cieli e diè lor chi conduce |
was He whose wisdom transcends everything; |
sì, ch'ogne parte ad ogne parte splende, |
that every part may shine unto the other, |
distribuendo igualmente la luce. |
7.76 |
He had the light apportioned equally; |
Similemente a li splendor mondani |
similarly, for worldly splendors, He |
ordinò general ministra e duce |
ordained a general minister and guide |
che permutasse a tempo li ben vani |
7.79 |
to shift, from time to time, those empty goods |
di gente in gente e d'uno in altro sangue, |
from nation unto nation, clan to clan, |
oltre la difension d'i senni umani; |
in ways that human reason can't prevent; |
per ch'una gente impera e l'altra langue, |
7.82 |
just so, one people rules, one languishes, |
seguendo lo giudicio di costei, |
obeying the decision she has given, |
che è occulto come in erba l'angue. |
which, like a serpent in the grass, is hidden. |
Vostro saver non ha contasto a lei: |
7.85 |
Your knowledge cannot stand against her force; |
questa provede, giudica, e persegue |
for she foresees and judges and maintains |
suo regno come il loro li altri dèi. |
her kingdom as the other gods do theirs. |
Le sue permutazion non hanno triegue: |
7.88 |
The changes that she brings are without respite: |
necessità la fa esser veloce; |
it is necessity that makes her swift; |
sì spesso vien chi vicenda consegue. |
and for this reason, men change state so often. |
Quest' è colei ch'è tanto posta in croce |
7.91 |
She is the one so frequently maligned |
pur da color che le dovrien dar lode, |
even by those who should give praise to her- |
dandole biasmo a torto e mala voce; |
they blame her wrongfully with words of scorn. |
ma ella s'è beata e ciò non ode: |
7.94 |
But she is blessed and does not hear these things; |
con l'altre prime creature lieta |
for with the other primal beings, happy, |
volve sua spera e beata si gode. |
she turns her sphere and glories in her bliss. |
Or discendiamo omai a maggior pieta; |
7.97 |
But now let us descend to greater sorrow, |
già ogne stella cade che saliva |
for every star that rose when I first moved |
quand' io mi mossi, e 'l troppo star si vieta." |
is setting now; we cannot stay too long." |
Noi ricidemmo il cerchio a l'altra riva |
7.100 |
I |
We crossed the circle to the other shore; |
sovr' una fonte che bolle e
PL |
we reached a foaming watercourse that spills |
per un fossato che da lei deriva. |
into a trench formed by its overflow. |
L'acqua era buia assai più che persa; |
7.103 |
That stream was even darker than deep purple; |
e noi, in compagnia de l'onde bige, |
and we, together with those shadowed waves, |
intrammo giù per una via diversa. |
moved downward and along a strange pathway. |
In la palude va c'ha nome Stige
7.106 |
PL |
When it has reached the foot of those malign |
questo tristo
ruscel, quand'è disceso
gray slopes, that melancholy stream descends, |
al piè de le maligne piagge grige. |
forming a swamp that bears the name of Styx. |
E io, che di mirare stava inteso, |
7.109 |
And I, who was intent on watching it, |
vidi genti fangose in quel pantano, |
could make out muddied people in that slime, |
ignude tutte, con sembiante offeso. |
all naked and their faces furious. |
Queste si percotean non pur con mano, |
7.112 |
These struck each other not with hands alone, |
ma con la testa e col petto e coi piedi, |
but with their heads and chests and with their feet, |
troncandosi co' denti a brano a brano. |
and tore each other piecemeal with their teeth. |
Lo buon maestro disse: "Figlio, or vedi
7.115 |
The kindly master told me: "Son, now see |
l'anime di color cui vinse l'ira; |
the souls of those whom anger has defeated; |
e anche vo' che tu per certo credi |
and I should also have you know for certain |
che sotto l'acqua è gente che sospira, |
7.118 |
that underneath the water there are souls |
e fanno pullular quest' acqua al summo, |
who sigh and make this plain of water bubble, |
come l'occhio ti dice, u' che s'aggira. |
as your eye, looking anywhere, can tell. |
Fitti nel limo dicon: 'Tristi fummo |
7.121 |
Wedged in the slime, they say: 'We had been sullen |
ne l'aere dolce che dal sol s'allegra, |
in the sweet air that's gladdened by the sun; |
portando dentro accidïoso fummo: |
we bore the mist of sluggishness in us: |
or ci attristiam ne la belletta negra.' |
7.124 |
now we are bitter in the blackened mud.' |
Quest' inno si gorgoglian ne la strozza, |
This hymn they have to gurgle in their gullets, |
ché dir nol posson con parola integra." |
because they cannot speak it in full words." |
Così girammo de la lorda pozza
7.127 |
PL |
And so, between the dry shore and the swamp, |
grand' arco, tra la ripa secca e 'l mézzo, |
we circled much of that disgusting pond, |
con li occhi vòlti a chi del fango ingozza. |
our eyes upon the swallowers of slime. |
Venimmo al piè d'una torre al da sezzo. |
7.130 |
We came at last upon a tower's base. |