"Ecco la fiera con la coda aguzza, 17.1 C "Behold the beast who bears the pointed tail,
che passa i monti e rompe i muri e l'armi! who crosses mountains, shatters weapons, walls!
Ecco colei che tutto 'l mondo appuzza!" Behold the one whose stench fills all the world!"
Sì cominciò lo mio duca a parlarmi; 17.4 So did my guide begin to speak to me,
e accennolle che venisse a proda, and then he signaled him to come ashore
vicino al fin d'i passeggiati marmi. close to the end of those stone passageways.
E quella sozza imagine di froda 17.7 CI And he came on, that filthy effigy
sen venne, e arrivò la testa e 'l busto, of fraud, and landed with his head and torso
ma 'n su la riva non trasse la coda. but did not draw his tail onto the bank.
La faccia sua era faccia d'uom giusto, 17.10 C The face he wore was that of a just man,
tanto benigna avea di fuor la pelle, so gracious was his features' outer semblance;
e d'un serpente tutto l'altro fusto; and all his trunk, the body of a serpent;
due branche avea pilose insin l'ascelle; 17.13 he had two paws, with hair up to the armpits;
lo dosso e 'l petto e ambedue le coste his back and chest as well as both his flanks
dipinti avea di nodi e di rotelle. had been adorned with twining knots and circlets.
Con più color, sommesse e sovraposte 17.16 No Turks or Tartars ever fashioned fabrics
non fer mai drappi Tartari né Turchi, more colorful in background and relief,
né fuor tai tele per Aragne imposte. PE nor had Arachne ever loomed such webs.
Come talvolta stanno a riva i burchi, 17.19 As boats will sometimes lie along the shore,
che parte sono in acqua e parte in terra, with part of them on land and part in water,
e come là tra li Tedeschi lurchi and just as there, among the guzzling Germans,
lo bivero s'assetta a far sua guerra, 17.22 the beaver sets himself when he means war,
così la fiera pessima si stava C so did that squalid beast lie on the margin
su l'orlo ch'è di pietra e 'l sabbion serra. of stone that serves as border for the sand.
Nel vano tutta sua coda guizzava, 17.25 And all his tail was quivering in the void
torcendo in sù la venenosa forca while twisting upward its envenomed fork,
ch'a guisa di scorpion la punta armava. which had a tip just like a scorpion's
Lo duca disse: "Or convien che si torca 17.28 My guide said: "Now we'd better bend our path
la nostra via un poco insino a quella a little, till we reach as far as that
bestia malvagia che colà si corca." C malicious beast which crouches over there."
Però scendemmo a la destra mammella, 17.31 Thus we descended on the right hand side
e diece passi femmo in su lo stremo, and moved ten paces on the stony brink
per ben cessar la rena e la fiammella. in order to avoid the sand and fire.
E quando noi a lei venuti semo, 17.34 When we had reached the sprawling beast, I saw-
poco più oltre veggio in su la rena a little farther on, upon the sand-
gente seder propinqua al loco scemo. some sinners sitting near the fissured rock.
Quivi 'l maestro "Acciò che tutta piena 17.37 I And here my master said to me: "So that
esperïenza d'esto giron porti," you may experience this ring in full,
mi disse, "va, e vedi la lor mena. go now, and see the state in which they are.
Li tuoi ragionamenti sian là corti; 17.40 I But keep your conversation with them brief;
mentre che torni, parlerò con questa, till you return, I'll parley with this beast,
che ne conceda i suoi omeri forti." to see if he can lend us his strong shoulders."
Così ancor su per la strema testa 17.43 I So I went on alone and even farther
di quel settimo cerchio tutto solo along the seventh circle's outer margin,
andai, dove sedea la gente mesta. to where the melancholy people sat.
Per li occhi fora scoppiava lor duolo; 17.46 Despondency was bursting from their eyes;
di qua, di là soccorrien con le mani this side, then that, their hands kept fending off,
quando a' vapori, e quando al caldo suolo: at times the flames, at times the burning soil:
non altrimenti fan di state i cani 17.49 not otherwise do dogs in summer-now
or col ceffo or col piè, quando son morsi with muzzle, now with paw when they are bitten
o da pulci o da mosche o da tafani. by fleas or gnats or by the sharp gadfly.
Poi che nel viso a certi li occhi porsi, 17.52 When I had set my eyes upon the faces
ne' quali 'l doloroso foco casca, of some on whom that painful fire falls,
non ne conobbi alcun; ma io m'accorsi I recognized no one; but I did notice
che dal collo a ciascun pendea una tasca 17.55 that from the neck of each a purse was hung
ch'avea certo colore e certo segno, that had a special color and an emblem,
e quindi par che 'l loro occhio si pasca. and their eyes seemed to feast upon these pouches.
E com' io riguardando tra lor vegno, 17.58 Looking about-when I had come among them-
in una borsa gialla vidi azzurro PE I saw a yellow purse with azure on it
che d'un leone avea faccia e contegno. that had the face and manner of a lion.
Poi, procedendo di mio sguardo il curro, 17.61 Then, as I let my eyes move farther on,
vidine un'altra come sangue rossa, PE I saw another purse that was bloodred,
mostrando un'oca bianca più che burro. and it displayed a goose more white than butter.
E un che d'una scrofa azzurra e grossa 17.64 PE And one who had an azure, pregnant sow
segnato avea lo suo sacchetto bianco, inscribed as emblem on his white pouch, said
mi disse: "Che fai tu in questa fossa? to me: "What are you doing in this pit?
Or te ne va; e perché se' vivo anco, 17.67 Now you be off; and since you're still alive,
sappi che 'l mio vicin Vitalïano PE remember that my neighbor Vitaliano
sederà qui dal mio sinistro fianco. shall yet sit here, upon my left hand side.
Con questi Fiorentin son padoano: 17.70 Among these Florentines, I'm Paduan;
spesse fïate mi 'ntronan li orecchi I often hear them thunder in my ears,
gridando: 'Vegna 'l cavalier sovrano, PE shouting, 'Now let the sovereign cavalier,
che recherà la tasca con tre becchi!'" 17.73 PE the one who'll bring the purse with three goats, come!'"
Qui distorse la bocca e di fuor trasse At this he slewed his mouth, and then he stuck
la lingua, come bue che 'l naso lecchi. his tongue out, like an ox that licks its nose.
E io, temendo no'l più star crucciasse 17.76 I And I, afraid that any longer stay
lui che di poco star m'avea 'mmonito, might anger him who'd warned me to be brief,
torna'mi in dietro da l'anime lasse. made my way back from those exhausted souls.
Trova' il duca mio ch'era salito 17.79 I found my guide, who had already climbed
già su la groppa del fiero animale, C upon the back of that brute animal,
e disse a me: "Or sie forte e ardito. and he told me: "Be strong and daring now,
Omai si scende per sì fatte scale; 17.82 for our descent is by this kind of stairs:
monta dinanzi, ch'i' voglio esser mezzo, you mount in front; I want to be between,
sì che la coda non possa far male." so that the tail can't do you any harm."
Qual è colui che sì presso ha 'l riprezzo 17.85 As one who feels the quartan fever near
de la quartana, c'ha già l'unghie smorte, and shivers, with his nails already blue,
e triema tutto pur guardando 'l rezzo, the sight of shade enough to make him shudder,
tal divenn' io a le parole porte; 17.88 so I became when I had heard these words;
ma vergogna mi fé le sue minacce, but then I felt the threat of shame, which makes
che innanzi a buon segnor fa servo forte. a servant-in his kind lord's presence-brave.
I' m'assettai in su quelle spallacce; 17.91 I settled down on those enormous shoulders;
sì volli dir, ma la voce non venne I wished to say (and yet my voice did not
com' io credetti: "Fa che tu m'abbracce." come as I thought): "See that you hold me tight."
Ma esso, ch'altra volta mi sovvenne 17.94 PE But he who-other times, in other dangers-
ad altro forse, tosto ch'i' montai sustained me, just as soon as I had mounted,
con le braccia m'avvinse e mi sostenne; clasped me within his arms and propped me up,
e disse: " Gerïon, moviti omai: 17.97 C and said: "Now, Geryon, move on; take care
le rote larghe, e lo scender sia poco; to keep your circles wide, your landing slow;
pensa la nova soma che tu hai." remember the new weight you're carrying."
Come la navicella esce di loco 17.100 Just like a boat that, starting from its moorings,
in dietro in dietro, sì quindi si tolse; moves backward, backward, so that beast took off;
e poi ch'al tutto si sentì a gioco, and when he felt himself completely clear,
là 'v' era 'l petto, la coda rivolse, 17.103 he turned his tail to where his chest had been
e quella tesa, come anguilla, mosse, and, having stretched it, moved it like an eel,
e con le branche l'aere a sé raccolse. and with his paws he gathered in the air.
Maggior paura non credo che fosse 17.106 I do not think that there was greater fear
quando Fetonte abbandonò li freni, PE in Phaethon when he let his reins go free-
per che 'l ciel, come pare ancor, si cosse; for which the sky, as one still sees, was scorched-
né quando Icaro misero le reni 17.109 PE nor in poor Icarus when he could feel
sentì spennar per la scaldata cera, his sides unwinged because the wax was melting,
gridando il padre a lui "Mala via tieni!" PE his father shouting to him, "That way's wrong!"
che fu la mia, quando vidi ch'i' era 17.112 than was in me when, on all sides, I saw
ne l'aere d'ogne parte, e vidi spenta that I was in the air, and everything
ogne veduta fuor che de la fera. C had faded from my sight-except the beast.
Ella sen va notando lenta lenta; 17.115 Slowly, slowly, swimming, he moves on;
rota e discende, ma non me n'accorgo he wheels and he descends, but I feel only
se non che al viso e di sotto mi venta. the wind upon my face and the wind rising.
Io sentia già da la man destra il gorgo 17.118 I Already, on our right, I heard the torrent
far sotto noi un orribile scroscio, resounding, there beneath us, horribly,
per che con li occhi 'n giù la testa sporgo. so that I stretched my neck and looked below.
Allor fu' io più timido a lo stoscio, 17.121 I Then I was more afraid of falling off,
però ch'i' vidi fuochi e senti' pianti; for I saw fires and I heard laments,
ond' io tremando tutto mi raccoscio. at which I tremble, crouching, and hold fast.
E vidi poi, ché nol vedea davanti, 17.124 And now I saw what I had missed before:
lo scendere e 'l girar per li gran mali his wheeling and descent-because great torments
che s'appressavan da diversi canti. were drawing closer to us on all sides.
Come 'l falcon ch'è stato assai su l'ali, 17.127 Just as a falcon long upon the wing
che sanza veder logoro o uccello who, seeing neither lure nor bird, compels
fa dire al falconiere "Omè, tu cali!" the falconer to cry, "Ah me, you fall!"-
discende lasso onde si move isnello, 17.130 descends, exhausted, in a hundred circles,
per cento rote, e da lunge si pone where he had once been swift, and sets himself,
dal suo maestro, disdegnoso e fello; embittered and enraged, far from his master;
così ne puose al fondo Gerïone 17.133 C such, at the bottom of the jagged rock,
al piè al piè de la stagliata rocca, was Geryon, when he had set us down.
e, discarcate le nostre persone, And once our weight was lifted from his back,
si dileguò come da corda cocca. 17.136 he vanished like an arrow from a bow.
+People: (PE)
  • 17.18 Aracne
  • 17.59 Gianfigliazzi
  • 17.62 Obriachi
  • 17.64 Reginaldo Scrovegni
  • 17.68 Vitaliano
  • 17.72 Giovanni Buiamonte dei Becchi
  • 17.73 Giovanni Buiamonte dei Becchi
  • 17.94 Virgilio
  • 17.107 Fetonte
  • 17.109 Icaro
  • 17.111 Dedalo
+Places: (PL)
+Creatures: (C)
  • 17.1 Gerione
  • 17.7 Gerione
  • 17.10 Gerione
  • 17.23 Gerione
  • 17.30 Gerione
  • 17.80 Gerione
  • 17.97 Gerione
  • 17.114 Gerione
  • 17.133 Gerione
+Deities: (D)
+Structures: (S)
+Images: (I)
  • 17.7 Doré, Geryon
  • 17.37 Botticelli, Sodomites, Usurers
  • 17.40 Yates Thompson 36, Geryon
  • 17.43 Vellutello, Seventh circle
  • 17.76 Botticelli, Usurers, Geryon
  • 17.118 Vellutello, Geryon
  • 17.121 Doré, Geryon
+Music: (M)