Io vidi già cavalier muover campo, 22.1 Before this I've seen horsemen start to march
e cominciare stormo e far lor mostra, and open the assault and muster ranks
e talvolta partir per loro scampo; and seen them, too, at times beat their retreat;
corridor vidi per la terra vostra, 22.4 and on your land, o Aretines, I've seen
o Aretini, e vidi gir gualdane, rangers and raiding parties galloping,
fedir torneamenti e correr giostra; the clash of tournaments, the rush of jousts,
quando con trombe, e quando con campane, 22.7 now done with trumpets, now with bells, and now
con tamburi e con cenni di castella, with drums, and now with signs from castle walls,
e con cose nostrali e con istrane; with native things and with imported ware;
né già con sì diversa cennamella 22.10 but never yet have I seen horsemen or
cavalier vidi muover né pedoni, seen infantry or ship that sails by signal
né nave a segno di terra o di stella. of land or star move to so strange a bugle!
Noi andavam con li diece demoni. 22.13 I We made our way together with ten demons:
Ahi fiera compagnia! ma ne la chiesa C ah, what ferocious company! And yet
coi santi, e in taverna coi ghiottoni. "in church with saints, with rotters in the tavern."
Pur a la pegola era la mia 'ntesa, 22.16 But I was all intent upon the pitch,
per veder de la bolgia ogne contegno to seek out every feature of the pouch
e de la gente ch'entro v'era incesa. and of the people who were burning in it.
Come i dalfini, quando fanno segno 22.19 Just as the dolphins do, when with arched back,
a' marinar con l'arco de la schiena they signal to the seamen to prepare
che s'argomentin di campar lor legno, for tempest, that their vessel may be spared,
talor così, ad alleggiar la pena, 22.22 so here from time to time, to ease his torment,
mostrav' alcun de' peccatori 'l dosso some sinner showed his back above the surface,
e nascondea in men che non balena. then hid more quickly than a lightning flash.
E come a l'orlo de l'acqua d'un fosso 22.25 And just as on the margin of a ditch,
stanno i ranocchi pur col muso fuori, frogs crouch, their snouts alone above the water,
sì che celano i piedi e l'altro grosso, so as to hide their feet and their plump flesh,
sì stavan d'ogne parte i peccatori; 22.28 so here on every side these sinners crouched;
ma come s'appressava Barbariccia, C but faster than a flash, when Barbariccia
così si ritraén sotto i bollori. drew near, they plunged beneath the boiling pitch.
I' vidi, e anco il cor me n'accapriccia, 22.31 I saw-my heart still shudders in recall-
uno aspettar così, com' elli 'ncontra one who delayed, just as at times a frog
ch'una rana rimane e l'altra spiccia; is left behind while others dive below;
e Graffiacan, che li era più di contra, 22.34 C and Graffiacane, who was closest to him,
li arruncigliò le 'mpegolate chiome then hooked him by his pitch entangled locks
e trassel sù, che mi parve una lontra. and hauled him up; he seemed to me an otter.
I' sapea già di tutti quanti 'l nome, 22.37 By now I knew the names of all those demons-
sì li notai quando fuorono eletti, I'd paid attention when the fiends were chosen;
e poi ch'e' si chiamaro, attesi come. I'd watched as they stepped forward one by one.
"O Rubicante, fa che tu li metti 22.40 C "O Rubicante, see you set your talons
li unghioni a dosso, sì che tu lo scuoi!" right into him, so you can flay his flesh!"
gridavan tutti insieme i maladetti. So did those cursed ones cry out together.
E io: "Maestro mio, fa, se tu puoi, 22.43 And I: "My master, if you can, find out
che tu sappi chi è lo sciagurato PE what is the name of that unfortunate
venuto a man de li avversari suoi." who's fallen victim to his enemies."
Lo duca mio li s'accostò allato; 22.46 My guide, who then drew near that sinner's side,
domandollo ond' ei fosse, e quei rispuose: asked him to tell his birthplace. He replied:
"I' fui del regno di Navarra nato. PEPL "My homeland was the kingdom of Navarre.
Mia madre a servo d'un segnor mi puose, 22.49 My mother, who had had me by a wastrel,
che m'avea generato d'un ribaldo, destroyer of himself and his possessions,
distruggitor di sé e di sue cose. had placed me in the service of a lord.
Poi fui famiglia del buon re Tebaldo; 22.52 PE Then I was in the household of the worthy
quivi mi misi a far baratteria, King Thibault; there I started taking graft;
di ch'io rendo ragione in questo caldo." with this heat I pay reckoning for that."
E Cirïatto, a cui di bocca uscia 22.55 C And Ciriatto, from whose mouth there bulged
d'ogne parte una sanna come a porco, to right and left two tusks like a wild hog's,
li fé sentir come l'una sdruscia. then let him feel how one of them could mangle.
Tra male gatte era venuto 'l sorco; 22.58 The mouse had fallen in with evil cats;
ma Barbariccia il chiuse con le braccia C but Barbariccia clasped him in his arms
e disse: "State in là, mentr' io lo 'nforco." and said: "Stand off there, while I fork him fast."
E al maestro mio volse la faccia; 22.61 And turning toward my master then, he said:
"Domanda," disse, "ancor, se più disii "Ask on, if you would learn some more from him
saper da lui, prima ch'altri 'l disfaccia." before one of the others does him in."
Lo duca dunque: "Or dì: de li altri rii 22.64 At which my guide: "Now tell: among the sinners
conosci tu alcun che sia latino who hide beneath the pitch, are any others
sotto la pece?" E quelli: "I' mi partii, Italian?" And he: "I have just left
poco è, da un che fu di là vicino. 22.67 one who was nearby there; and would I were
Così foss' io ancor con lui coperto, still covered by the pitch as he is hidden,
ch'i' non temerei unghia né uncino!" for then I'd have no fear of hook or talon."
E Libicocco "Troppo avem sofferto," 22.70 C And Libicocco said, "We've been too patient!"
disse; e preseli 'l braccio col runciglio, and, with his grapple, grabbed him by the arm
sì che, stracciando, ne portò un lacerto. and, ripping, carried off a hunk of flesh.
Draghignazzo anco i volle dar di piglio 22.73 C But Draghignazzo also looked as if
giuso a le gambe; onde 'l decurio loro to grab his legs; at which, their captain wheeled
si volse intorno intorno con mal piglio. and threatened all of them with raging looks.
Quand' elli un poco rappaciati fuoro, 22.76 I When they'd grown somewhat less tumultuous,
a lui, ch'ancor mirava sua ferita, without delay my guide asked of that one
domandò 'l duca mio sanza dimoro: who had his eyes still fixed upon his wound:
"Chi fu colui da cui mala partita 22.79 "Who was the one you left to come ashore-
di' che facesti per venire a proda?" unluckily-as you just said before?"
Ed ei rispuose: "Fu frate Gomita, PE He answered: "Fra Gomita of Gallura,
quel di Gallura, vasel d'ogne froda, 22.82 who was a vessel fit for every fraud;
ch'ebbe i nemici di suo donno in mano, he had his master's enemies in hand,
e fé sì lor, che ciascun se ne loda. but handled them in ways that pleased them all.
Danar si tolse e lasciolli di piano, 22.85 He took their gold and smoothly let them off,
sì com' e' dice; e ne li altri offici anche as he himself says; and in other matters,
barattier fu non picciol, ma sovrano. PE he was a sovereign, not a petty, swindler.
Usa con esso donno Michel Zanche 22.88 PE His comrade there is Don Michele Zanche
di Logodoro; e a dir di Sardigna PL of Logodoro; and their tongues are never
le lingue lor non si sentono stanche. too tired to talk of their Sardinia.
Omè, vedete l'altro che digrigna; 22.91 I Ah me, see that one there who grinds his teeth!
i' direi anche, ma i' temo ch'ello If I were not afraid, I'd speak some more,
non s'apparecchi a grattarmi la tigna." but he is getting set to scratch my scurf."
E 'l gran proposto, vòlto a Farfarello 22.94 C And their great marshal, facing Farfarello-
che stralunava li occhi per fedire, who was so hot to strike he rolled his eyes,
disse: "Fatti 'n costà, malvagio uccello!" said: "Get away from there, you filthy bird!"
"Se voi volete vedere o udire," 22.97 "If you perhaps would like to see or hear,"
ricominciò lo spaürato appresso, that sinner, terrified, began again,
"Toschi o Lombardi, io ne farò venire; "Lombards or Tuscans, I can fetch you some;
ma stieno i Malebranche un poco in cesso, 22.100 C but let the Malebranche stand aside
sì ch'ei non teman de le lor vendette; so that my comrades need not fear their vengeance.
e io, seggendo in questo loco stesso, Remaining in this very spot, I shall,
per un ch'io son, ne farò venir sette 22.103 although alone, make seven more appear
quand' io suffolerò, com' è nostro uso when I have whistled, as has been our custom
di fare allor che fori alcun si mette." when one of us has managed to get out."
Cagnazzo a cotal motto levò 'l muso, 22.106 C At that, Cagnazzo lifted up his snout
crollando 'l capo, e disse: "Odi malizia and shook his head, and said: "Just listen to
ch'elli ha pensata per gittarsi giuso!" that trick by which he thinks he can dive back!"
Ond' ei, ch'avea lacciuoli a gran divizia, 22.109 PE To this, he who was rich in artifice
rispuose: "Malizioso son io troppo, replied: "Then I must have too many tricks,
quand' io procuro a' mia maggior trestizia." if I bring greater torment to my friends."
Alichin non si tenne e, di rintoppo 22.112 C This was too much for Alichino and,
a li altri, disse a lui: "Se tu ti cali, despite the others, he cried out: "If you
io non ti verrò dietro di gualoppo, dive back, I shall not gallop after you
ma batterò sovra la pece l'ali. 22.115 but beat my wings above the pitch; we'll leave
Lascisi 'l collo, e sia la ripa scudo, this height; with the embankment as a screen,
a veder se tu sol più di noi vali." we'll see if you-alone-can handle us."
O tu che leggi, udirai nuovo ludo: 22.118 O you who read, hear now of this new sport:
ciascun da l'altra costa li occhi volse, each turned his eyes upon the other shore,
quel prima, ch'a ciò fare era più crudo. he first who'd been most hesitant before.
Lo Navarrese ben suo tempo colse; 22.121 PE The Navarrese, in nick of time, had planted
fermò le piante a terra, e in un punto his feet upon the ground; then in an instant
saltò e dal proposto lor si sciolse. he jumped and freed himself from their commander.
Di che ciascun di colpa fu compunto, 22.124 I At this each demon felt the prick of guilt,
ma quei più che cagion fu del difetto; and most, he who had led his band to blunder;
però si mosse e gridò: "Tu se' giunto!" so he took off and shouted: "You are caught!"
Ma poco i valse: ché l'ali al sospetto 22.127 But this could help him little; wings were not
non potero avanzar; quelli andò sotto, more fast than fear; the sinner plunged right under;
e quei drizzò volando suso il petto: the other, flying up, lifted his chest:
non altrimenti l'anitra di botto, 22.130 not otherwise the wild duck when it plunges
quando 'l falcon s'appressa, giù s'attuffa, precipitously, when the falcon nears
ed ei ritorna sù crucciato e rotto. and then-exhausted, thwarted-flies back up.
Irato Calcabrina de la buffa, 22.133 C But Calcabrina, raging at the trick,
volando dietro li tenne, invaghito flew after Alichino; he was keen
che quei campasse per aver la zuffa; to see the sinner free and have a brawl;
e come 'l barattier fu disparito, 22.136 PE and once the Navarrese had disappeared,
così volse li artigli al suo compagno, he turned his talons on his fellow demon
e fu con lui sopra 'l fosso ghermito. and tangled with him just above the ditch.
Ma l'altro fu bene sparvier grifagno 22.139 C But Alichino clawed him well-he was
ad artigliar ben lui, e amendue indeed a full-grown kestrel; and both fell
cadder nel mezzo del bogliente stagno. into the middle of the boiling pond.
Lo caldo sghermitor sùbito fue; 22.142 The heat was quick to disentangle them,
ma però di levarsi era neente, but still there was no way they could get out;
sì avieno inviscate l'ali sue. their wings were stuck, enmeshed in glue-like pitch.
Barbariccia, con li altri suoi dolente, 22.145 C And Barbariccia, grieving with the rest,
quattro ne fé volar da l'altra costa sent four to fly out toward the other shore
con tutt' i raffi, e assai prestamente with all their forks, and speedily enough
di qua, di là discesero a la posta; 22.148 on this side and on that they took their posts;
porser li uncini verso li 'mpaniati, and toward those two-stuck fast, already cooked
ch'eran già cotti dentro da la crosta. beneath that crust-they stretched their grappling hooks.
E noi lasciammo lor così 'mpacciati. 22.151 We left them still contending with that mess.
+People: (PE)
  • 22.44 barattiere Navarrese
  • 22.48 barattiere Navarrese
  • 22.52 Tebaldo
  • 22.81 Frate Gomita
  • 22.87 Frate Gomita
  • 22.88 Michele Zanche
  • 22.109 barattiere Navarrese
  • 22.121 barattiere Navarrese
  • 22.136 barattiere Navarrese
+Places: (PL)
  • 22.48 Navarra
  • 22.89 Logodoro
  • 22.89 Sardegna
+Creatures: (C)
  • 22.14 diavoli
  • 22.29 Barbariccia
  • 22.34 Graffiacane
  • 22.40 Rubicante
  • 22.55 Ciriatto
  • 22.59 Barbariccia
  • 22.70 Libicocco
  • 22.73 Draghignazzo
  • 22.94 Barbariccia
  • 22.94 Farfarello
  • 22.100 Malebranche
  • 22.106 Cagnazzo
  • 22.112 Alichino
  • 22.133 Calcabrina
  • 22.139 Alichino
  • 22.145 Barbariccia
+Deities: (D)
+Structures: (S)
+Images: (I)
  • 22.13 Vellutello, Malebranche
  • 22.76 Botticelli, Barrators
  • 22.91 Yates Thompson 36, Barrators
  • 22.124 Doré, Alichino
+Music: (M)